ERRIN's new SwafS project MOSAIC

ERRIN is part of the new MOSAIC project (Mission-Oriented SWafS to Advance Innovation through Co-creation) coordinated by Stickydot. The project explores a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach to Open Innovation, involving a range of different stakeholders. The project will do this in a chosen ecosystem (city or metropolitan area), which will be focused on climate-neutral and smart cities, linking it to the Horizon Europe Mission.

ERRIN will build and manage a Community of Practice of four additional 'mirror ecosystems' cities or metropolitan areas. This builds on ERRIN’s work on the Mission Area: Climate-neutral and Smart Cities, while also developing opportunities for the broader membership as it creates and manages the community.

Pilot actions in the cities of Brussels and Milan will test the MOSAIC methodology and research actions throughout the project. The piloting process will produce concrete instruments and recommendations, to be replicated in further European cities and regions.

Learn more on the MOSAIC page on the ERRIN website.