European Universities Initiative

The European Commission announced 24 new European Universities

The European Commission has announced 24 new European Universities. These were selected from the second pilot call under the Erasmus+ programme and are added to the first 17 alliances that were selected in 2019. Please find the full list of selected alliances here.

European Universities are transnational collaboration alliances of EU higher education institutions that come together to benefit students, teachers, and society. The alliances are financially supported by Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020. Each alliance receives up to €5 million (Erasmus+) and €2 million (Horizon 2020) for three years to start implementing their plans. This combined funding is further strengthening the link between the European Higher Education Are and the European Research Area.

The European Commission’s plan is to roll out European Universities under Erasmus+ in the next funding period, and that it will work in synergy with other EU instruments and Horizon Europe in particular.

In November 2019, ERRIN’s Science & Education for Society WG organised an event exploring the place-based perspective of the European Universities and their role in the regional research and innovation ecosystem. ERRIN’s position paper on the future of the European Research Area also references the importance of the European Universities in concretely creating more coaction between research, innovation, and education.