HuMUS Project selected 20 local and regional soil health pilots

HuMUS Project selected 20 local and regional soil health pilots

The HuMUS project has selected the 20 local and regional soil health pilots, including 10 located in ERRIN member regions, that will be supported to enhance participatory methods and tools for soil quality and health governance.

The results of the calls were announced for the first time during ERRIN’s Bioeconomy WG meeting on the 'Mission Soil: lessons learned and upcoming opportunities'. By the deadline, 76 applications were received from 27 Countries. Municipalities and local stakeholders in Austria, Belgium, France, Israel, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Ukraine, will:

  • implement effective participatory processes to enable and stimulate dialogues on soil health and sustainable land management at local and/or regional level;
  • develop engagement and awareness raising actions on soil health among local and regional authorities contributing to the development of soil innovation ecosystems;
  • draft regional or local action plans to integrate the improvement of soil health in policies and programmes, on the basis of any good practice example identified in other EU countries and regions.

Among the expected outcomes of the call is the signing of Territorial Management Agreements aimed at the sustainable management of soil health issues or threats in the local or regional communities and an analysis of replication Potential, evaluating the likelihood and feasibility of replicating the adopted approach in a different context and/or scale.

Learn more about the outcomes of the call and meet the selected Pilots here.

The HuMUS project is an ERRIN members-driven project. ERRIN has been promoting the cascade funding call with its members and, through its Bioeconomy WG, will follow up on the project’s activities, disseminating the best practices and outputs of the project.