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Partner Searches

Partner Searches

If you are looking for a partner for an EU-funded project, post your partner search here. The partner searches are automatically ordered by the date they were posted, though it is possible to use the filters to order them by the call or expression of interest deadlines. It is also possible to use the tool below to filter the partner searches by funding programme, location, desired partner, associated working group or keyword.

  • By Anna Zanetti

Italian start-up is looking for a partner in a Horizon Europe call

Baroz, an Italian start-up, is launching a new brand in the fashion & casual clothing market with a new revolutionary method of dyeing, 100% eco-sustainable garments.

  • By Rose BERGÉ

ASDER - A French training centre seeks to join a consortium for Horizon Europe call

ASDER, a renowned French training center, seeks to join a consortium for Horizon Europe call "CBE JU supporting activities for the New European Bauhaus Academy, a network for re-skilling and upskilling towards a sustainable construction ecosystem" (HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-2-S-01).

  • By Mirva Männikkö

City of Jyväskylä is looking for Transfer Partners for EUI Greening Cities call

Jyväskylä (FI) is looking for 3 Transfer Partners for project preparation for the Second Call for Proposals EUI - Innovative Actions in Topic 1: “Greening cities”. Deadline 24 September.

  • By Allan Nordby Ottesen

Odense University Hospital searching for partners for HORIZON-HLTH-2024-CARE-04-two-stage call on Optimising Patient Communication using AI Tools

Odense University Hospital (OUH) in the Region of Southern Denmark is searching for partners for HORIZON-HLTH-2024-CARE-04-two-stage call on Optimising Patient Communication using AI Tools. The deadline for the call is 19 September.

  • By Ingvild Jacobsen

Call for Action: Youth Freedom of Expression

Youth Freedom of Expression is a project concept where organisations working for youth participation join forces in identifying and mitigating barriers to youth freedom of expression in Europe. The partnership will build capacity and promote action for enabling greater freedom of expression among European youth at organisational and individual levels though finding and testing innovative practices and joint initiatives, and through forming a joint forum for the promotion of youth freedom of expression in Europe.

  • By Urszula Sokolowska

The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre is looking for partners for the Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnerships project

The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (Pomorskie Region) is looking for partners for the Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnerships call with the aim to exchange experiences on the topic of organisation of sustainable cultural outdoor events.