Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future Partnership

The Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future (DUT) Partnership aims to address the complex set of urban challenges, which cities and urban communities are facing today, with an integrated approach to offer decision makers in municipalities, companies and society the means to act and enable the necessary urban transformations. The partnership aims to create a portfolio of measures to build capacities in all stakeholder groups and contribute to the EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.

The JPI Urban Europe together with the European Commission are realising a longer-term programme that aims to align European and Member States’ efforts to build a critical mass for urban transitions. The programme should build capacities to support transitions towards a sustainable and liveable urban future by joint research, innovation and actions.


Urban Traffic

ERRIN input to the public consultation to shape the DUT Partnership

May 2020

ERRIN's role

ERRIN has actively participated in shaping the DUT Partnership and plays a role in its implementation. The DUT Partnership is the first European Partnership that takes an integrated approach to local challenges and therefore is really place-based. In light of this, ERRIN sees this partnership as an important tool for European regions to contribute to the green transition and EU’s climate objectives, through the involvement of the entire local and regional innovation ecosystem.

Among other commitments, ERRIN wishes to identify potential joint actions with the DUT Partnership to mobilise the respective stakeholder groups and draw conclusions from research, innovation, and demonstration for policymaking, with a specific interest in the multilevel governance, ensuring coherent support frameworks and practical synergies between research and innovation and structural funds.

Regarding funding synergies, in the context of the DUT Partnership, ERRIN set up a task force to explore the role of regions in co-funded European Partnerships, which looked into how to use structural funds in co-funded partnerships and how to use the partnerships as a means to further coordinate regional and national research and innovation agendas. In June 2023, ERRIN and DUT Partnership also organised a workshop on “Funding synergies – from theory to practice”.

Latest Updates

  • By Anonymous

Presentations from task force meeting to explore the role of regions in co-funded European Partnerships

In the context of the DUT Partnership, ERRIN has set up a task force to explore the role of regions in co-funded European Partnerships. Please see the presentations from the last task force meeting on 8 July (European Commission and JPI Urban Europe). 

  • By Heidi Johansson

Proposal for the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership

Attached is the approved concept for the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership.

  • By Heidi Johansson

ERRIN Input to the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership Consultation

ERRIN provided input to the public consultation to shape the European Partnership on Driving Urban Transitions. 

  • By Heidi Johansson

Public consultation to shape the European Partnership on Driving Urban Transitions

The Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future (DUT) Partnership aims to address the complex set of urban challenges, which cities and urban communities are facing today, with an integrated approach to offer decision makers in municipalities, companies and society the means to act and enable the necessary urban transformations.

  • By Heidi Johansson

Driving urban transitions to a sustainable future partnership

The Partnership Driving urban transitions to a sustainable future (DUT) is the proposal for an urban partnership under Horizon Europe, which is currently under development led by JPI Urban Europe. ERRIN has been invited to participate and actively shape this new partnership.

  • By Valentina Srbuljevic

EuroINNOWorkshop&Aperitif - "Veneto Data Platform"

VENETO DATA PLATFORM - Collection, analysis, and use of data for managing cities and territories to provide better services to citizens. The event will take place in Brussels on 24 June, 16:30-19:00.