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  • By Intern SMR

ICRI 2022: International conference on research infrastructures

One of the major events of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU - International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2022) - will take place from 19-21 October in Brno, Czech Republic. The ICRI 2022 onsite attendance is by invitation only, but participation online is possible for everyone.

  • By Emma Cosmao

Sustainable Resource Use - From Coring to Coding

The event 'Sustainable Resource Use - From Coring to Coding', held in-person and online on 17 October, will present two perspectives on sustainable resource use; the first addresses the need for environmental resources in the development and use of AI with the ethical issues associated, for example, environmental and intergenerational justice. The second perspective will look at Europe’s own natural resources and the difficulties in turning these natural deposits into mines that can address European needs.

  • By Federico Bastarolo

+Resilient | political final event

Political final event of the Interreg MED project '+RESILIENT - Mediterranean Open REsouRcEs for Social Innovation of SociaLly ResponsIve ENTerprises.'

  • By Etienne Rodzinka-Verhelle

RIPEET project - info session

Social innovation and energy transition are key topics for your region? Join us on 13 January to learn more about ERRIN's project RIPEET, and see how you can benefit from the results of the project and participate in its peer learning programme.

  • By Maria Orobitg

GRACE Project: Public Engagement from the Research Funding Organisations’ Perspective

This webinar focuses on the perspective of research funders on public engagement, touching both on their responsibilities and initiatives in this area, and the expectations they have of the applicants and the research they fund.

  • By Anonymous

Galicia Innovation Days. Towards Horizon Europe

On 25-29 October, FEUGA, Galician Ministry of Education (Xunta de Galicia) and Galician University System (SUG) will organise an international online matchmaking event "Galicia Innovation Days. Towards Horizon Europe".