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  • By Lucía HUERTAS

H2020-FTI: Spanish Technological Centre is looking for a non profit organization or Research and Technological Centre to develop a modular system of cycling infrastructure for Municipalities.

A Spanish Technology Centre looks for a non-profit organization or Research and Technological Centre to participate in TFI-H2020  project  (RE2CYCLE) in order to develop a pilot project for a sustainable cycling infrastructure for Municipalities. Partner/s  should have the capacity to: identify safety standards and installation conditions, establish routes and participate in demonstrative actions and audits.

  • By Lucía HUERTAS

Spanish SME (Region of Murcia) is searching a rehabilitation center and an engine manufacturer to submit a proposal to Eurostars Programme.

The SME is an engineering company created in 2011 which has several patents on the market.  It has an in-depth knowledge of  equipment, mechanics, pneumatics, automation and electronics. This new project to develop an appropriate device for stroke patient

  • By Simon De Wachter

Partner Search: Horizon 2020. Work Programme ‘Europe in a Changing World: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies’ (2018-2020).

The Centre of Expertise in Pedagogical support at the KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Belgium, Antwerp is seeking a consortium for a MIGRATION call. Currently, the Centre of Expertise is conducting an experiential research project with refugee children (aged 6 to 12) in reception centres in Belgium, investigating their wellbeing and sense of belonging.

  • By Simon De Wachter

Partner search for H2020-call on battery packs for electric vehicles

Kerv Automotive is searching for partners for the H2020-call on battery packs for electric vehicles. Our goal is to produce a ‘slim’ compact vehicle (fully 2 seater) which benefits all items related to a light vehicle and combines -due to the tilting design- a small shaped design with the comfort and safe form of transportation which is also an exciting experience.

  • By Gaia Ialisa Marotta

Project on developing lightweight materials and implementing advanced manufacturing technologies to ensure automotive passenger safety

The overarching aim of the planned project is developing lightweight materials and implementing advanced manufacturing technologies to ensure automotive passenger safety. SIGMA Clermont is one of the public French “Grandes Ecoles”, member of “Université Clermont Auvergne”, with leading provision of industrially connected research projects in chemistry and mechanical engineering.

  • By Anonymous

Searching for project partners participating in EU-call CE-FNR-17-2020

This call requires a project consortium of different cities or clusters of cities considering a geographical spread around Europe. Based on this requirement we are looking for further project partners who are willing to establish a European network of bio-based cities with innovative biowaste/waste water treatment technologies or comparable approaches. During our current research about potential partners and cities we figured out increasing efforts in sustainable handling of human waste matter.