The Innovation & Investment Working Group aims to monitor the main initiatives put in place by the European institutions under the priority ‘an economy that works for the people’ and explicitly target SMEs. The Working Group monitors industrial and cluster policy developments and promotes instruments that support innovative financing (e.g., cascade funding financial instruments).
This ERRIN Strategic Cluster kick-off meeting will serve to launch the activities of the Policy, Smart Specialisation and Science & Education Working Groups in 2025. It will provide an
In September 2022 the SEFS Working Group discussed with the European Commission and regional examples the relationship between the then 44 European Universities and the S3-strategies of the regions
In the 2022 Council Recommendation, knowledge valorisation is referred to as the process of creating social and economic value from knowledge by linking different areas and sectors and by
As the activities of the EU Year of Skills came to an end in April 2024, the Science and Education for Society Working Group is organising a Working Group meeting to reflect on the lessons learnt
The Laboratory of Control Systems and Cybernetics at the University of Ljubljana and the Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering at RWTH Aachen University are organising the 6th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This event will take place on 11-13 June 2025.
Final conference for the H2020-project Syn.ikia - Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods in Europe.
An international brokerage event on “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Clean Environment for a Healthy Life” will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 13 February 2025, 09:00 - 18:00.
This ERRIN Strategic Cluster kick-off meeting will serve to launch and discuss the activities of the Policy, Smart Specialisation and Science & Education Working Groups in 2025, as well as hear about the Commission's forthcoming initiatives on competitiveness. All interested ERRIN members are invited to register to the event on 11 February from 10:00-12:00 at the ERRIN premises.
The partner regions Wielkopolska and Hessen are organising a lunchtime event: The Polish Council Presidency 2025 – Priorities and Challenges on 23 January 2025 at 13:00 (light lunch as of 12.30) at the Multiple Regions House, 21, Rue Montoyer in Brussels.
The 'IGLO Open on the Polish Presidency: programme and R&I priorities' will take place on Wednesday 22 January 2025. The event, hosted by the PolSCA PAS Office in Brussels, will be held at the NCBR/BSP Office in Brussels.
The ERRIN Year in review 2022 is out! Read the report to see the numerous activities ERRIN and its members have been involved in throughout the year.
ERRIN's input paper on the Implementation Report on the European Innovation Council brings together the first comments and recommendations received from the various stakeholders from ERRIN members.
In January, EISMEA and DG REGIO launched the I3 Support Facility to enhance interregional innovation ecosystems and support the I3 Instrument, offering a comprehensive set of services for regional stakeholders. As one of the first developments, a call for expression of interest for participation in the I3 Support Facility Policy Lab Discussion Groups is now open from 28 January until 16 February.
On 29 January the European Commission presented the Competitiveness Compass, the first major initiative of this mandate providing a strategic framework to steer the Commission's work. The Compass is composed of three transformational imperatives - innovation, decarbonisation and security - to boost competitiveness, and five horizontal enablers necessary to underpin competitiveness across all sectors.
KID'S CLUSTER is looking for partners in the creative and cultural industrial ecosystem.
On 5 December, ERRIN hosted its Autumn General Meeting, where members reflected on 2024’s accomplishments, endorsed the 2025 budget and welcomed four new Management Board members. The meeting provided a platform to celebrate achievements, discuss priorities for the year ahead, and prepare for a new EU political cycle.
The consortium is looking for a project partner to cooperate with a project related to digital solutions to foster participative design, planning and management of buildings, neighbourhoods and urban districts under the Horizon Europe programme.
Following the call for nominations for ERRIN Management Board held between 3 and 17 October, we are happy to announce the nominated Management Board members. The four nominees will be approved as new Management Board members at the ERRIN Autumn General Meeting on 5 December.
Following the call for nominations for ERRIN Management Board held between 3 and 17 October, we are happy to announce the nominated Management Board members. The four nominees will be approved as new Management Board members at the ERRIN Autumn General Meeting on 5 December.
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, invites national and regional authorities, cluster organisations, and economic development agencies to apply to host one of the 10 ‘Clusters Meet Regions’ workshops planned for 2025. The next deadline for making your application is 20 December 2024.
The project focuses on strengthening and transforming the business models of non-profit associations engaged in economic activities and providing jobs, which qualify as SMEs. Targeted sectors are early-child and child care on the one hand and culture on the other hand, two sectors that contribute to social and economic inclusion and where organizations have particularly fragile business models.
The XIII edition of the Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) conference took place on 13-14 November 2024 in Budapest. The event focused on regions as catalysts of European RDI competitiveness and brought together over a hundred regional stakeholders from across Europe, including ERRIN, for two days of intense discussions and networking. Find out our key takeaways from the multiple topics covered.
The European Commission invites all regions – whether selected as RIVs or not – to share feedback on the RIV initiative to help shape future calls and align them with regional needs. Deadline to answer the questionnaire is 15 November.
Denmark's Silicon Valley of Sound is searching for partners to develop a Erasmus project focused on co-creating off-campus innovation and entrepreneurship teaching in a regional educational hub for sound