
Blue Economy WG: LIFE project facilitation session

The Blue Economy Working Group is organising a combined online information and project facilitation session on the LIFE programme. The aim of the session is to present the new funding opportunities under the circular economy and quality of life, nature and biodiversity, and climate change mitigation and adaptation sub-programmes of the LIFE programme and to facilitate the building of consortia around pre-defined project proposals.

This will be a two-part meeting, with the first part consisting of a presentation by the European Commission on the new LIFE programme, with a focus on the calls relevant to marine, coastal and blue ecosystems, as well as on the policy frameworks that the programme strongly links to. The second part of the meeting will focus on project facilitation, with pitches by project proposals looking for partners to join their consortia and presentations on best practices when applying for funding under the LIFE programme.

Please find the agenda attached.

Thank you to the WG members for their participation. Please find the presentations from the session attached.