Civic Engagement in the Climate-Neutral & Smart Cities Mission - Workshop
An upcoming workshop as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU will be dedicated to civic engagement in the EU Missions, specifically in the Mission on climate-neutral and smart cities (Cities Mission). From 11:00 CET on 21 March, representatives of civil society, researchers, experts and decision-makers will gather in Paris and online for a high-level discussion.
Organised by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation the workshop is divided into three parts. Part one will explore the role of citizens engagement in carbon-neutral cities. In part two, cities, associations and youth delegates will discuss existing initiatives, challenges and barriers in the Cities Mission's goals. Part three will invite scientific representatives to present their ongoing and future work on participatory processes and how to strengthen citizens' commitment to climate neutrality. Research projects such as ERRIN's project MOSAIC, which is developing an Open Innovation methodology to engage quadruple helix stakeholders in the CIties Mission, will present during part three.
As well as MOSAIC, ERRIN members' cities Turku and Eindhoven will feature in the workshop.
Find the full programme attached. Registerfor the workshop, which will take place in a hybrid format with some participants present in Paris and the rest connecting online.