eu tourism

Together for EU Tourism: Webinar on Tourism Strategies Towards Resilience

As part of the Commission expert group "Together for EU Tourism" (T4T), a webinar on Tourism Strategies Towards Resilience will be held on 28 June from 10:00 to 12:00.  This webinar aims to raise awareness around two key elements of tourism strategy, which are of increasing importance in a European context:

  1. How to improve social sustainability strategies for tourism at the destination level with commensurate benefits for communities, for visitors and for businesses.
  2. How to empower public authorities and local decision-makers in rural areas to evaluate, benchmark and enhance their tourism strategies and policies.

By the end of this webinar, participants will gain access to tools, strategies, and best practices that can inspire and facilitate the implementation of new approaches and strategies for tourism management and development.

The objectives of this webinar are to:

  • Raise awareness of how traveller behaviour and responsible travel practices can be integrated into tourism strategies.
  • Highlight the importance of measurement and data in assisting rural destinations to sustainably plan and manage their tourism offer and services.
  • Provide guidance to tourism stakeholders on implementing effective strategies to enhance resilience in tourism, at both rural and destination levels.
  • Showcase best practices that inspire new approaches to destination planning and tourism strategies.

All tourism sector stakeholders are invited to participate, including  EU level and national policymakers, local authorities, tourism businesses and associations, community groups, travel companies and tour operators who are interested in enhancing knowledge about new approaches to tourism management as a pathway to enhanced sustainability and economic efficiency.

Interested participants can register here.