Flanders (VLEVA, VLAIO, EWI)

Flanders is represented at ERRIN jointly by VLEVA, VLAIO and EWI.

VLEVA (Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe) is a public-private partnership, consisting of 35 member organisations from Flemish civil society and local governments. Our mission is to open up European policy to Flemish governments and civil society. This way they can promote their European interests in a timely and informed manner. We create a platform for Flanders in Europe, and underline how important Europe is to Flanders.

Office address: Kortenberglaan 71, 1000 Brussel

Website: https://www.vleva.eu/en

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VLEVA

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vleva

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vlevavzw

VLAIO (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship) is a regional public research and innovation agency providing grants to Flanders-based companies and managing economic instruments supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in Flanders. VLAIO manages e.g. research, development, innovation and cluster programmes and vouchers, as well as implements knowledge cooperations among research organisations, start-ups and scale-ups. The agency acts as the National Contact Point in Horizon, is partner in Enterprise Europe Network and is the ERDF managing authority for the region.

Office address: Simon Bolivarlaan 17, bus 345, 1000 Brussels

Website: www.vlaio.be

EWI (Department of Economy, Science & Innovation) is administration for the cabinet of minister for Science and Innovation of the Flemish government. The department does the policy preparation, monitoring and evaluation of the Flanders’ scientific and innovation activities and related economic support programs and mechanisms. EWI does the policy coordination for building coherent innovation ecosystems and smart value chains. EWI staff are active as national/regional delegates in the EU programme committees of Horizon, in international organisations and research fora. EWI is also member of the Vanguard Initiative and connects with its interested R&I stakeholders to get engaged in smart interregional cooperations (projects, policy initiatives).

Office address: Simon Bolivarlaan 17, bus 345, 1000 Brussels

Website: https://www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/

S3 Strategy

Flanders’ smart specialisation strategy is centred around 10 priority investment domains that correspond and are being aligned in synergy with the four Flanders' Strategic Research Centres. These are IMEC (microelectronics and digitalisation), VITO (cleantech and energy), VIB (biotech and life sciences) and Flanders Make (advanced and smart manufacturing), as well as 6 Flanders Specialisation Clusters active in sustainable chemistry, agri-food, advanced materials, smart transport and logistics, smart energy, and blue economy. Flanders is active in the S3 partnerships bioeconomy, 3DP and agri-food as pilots for the interregional innovation investment fund 2021-2027 and in the Thematic Smart Specialisation Platforms such as personalised health, bioeconomy and batteries.

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