Regione del Veneto

Veneto is one of the leading Italian regional economies. In 2017, the value of regional GDP was €162,224m and it currently accounts for 9.40% of the Italian GDP; GDP per capita amounted to €33,500 in 2017 (Eurostat, 2019). Veneto region has a highly specialized and competitive manufacturing base, mostly comprised of SMEs. Its main industrial districts are: mechanics, agro-food industry and printing and publishing in Verona; textiles in Treviso and Vicenza; food industry in Rovigo; glasses production in Belluno; gold and jewellery in Vicenza, electrical appliances in Conegliano, furniture in Bassano del Grappa. Agriculture is also highly specialized and competitive, Veneto being one of the leading region in Italy for wine production (19% of the Italian total - ISTAT, 2019).

Veneto region welcomes the highest number of tourist in Italy, as the 6th European region overall in terms of overnight stays (Eurostat, 2017). According the to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2019, Veneto is a moderate innovator, being nevertheless one of the most innovative regions in Italy. When compared to the EU average, Veneto shows particular strength in relation to design application (75% above EU average) and trademark application (52% above EU average).

Contact detail

  • Contact person

    Chiara Rossetto

  • Brussels Office Address

    Avenue de Tervueren 67
    1040 Brussels

Regione del Veneto

S3 Strategy

Veneto Region Smart Specialization Strategy revolves around 4 priorities:

• New technologies for sustainable living - cross-sector innovation area including technologies for well-being in living environment, smart and sustainable cities and buildings, security and health (technologies for independent and active life), cultural heritage regeneration;

• New technologies for the creative industries - cross-sector innovation area including ICTs, innovative marketing and products' virtualisation, innovative and eco materials, creative design, technologies for cultural heritage valorization;

• Advanced technologies for manufacturing- cross-sector innovation area including new production and organisation models, advanced design and production technologies, automation, innovative and inclusive working space;

• Providing healthy and safe food (agri-food) - cross-sector innovation area including smart management of natural and energy resources, health, nutrition and food security, sustainable and innovative transformation process, product traceability.

Latest Updates

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