Regione Lombardia

Lombardy Region, situated in the North-West of Italy, is strategically located on principal European axes and is one of the leading regions both at the national and European level. Lombardy has a population of around 10 million inhabitants and a very competitive economic performance, with a GDP (PPS/inhabitant) which amounted to €39,700 in 2019 and an employment rate (20-64 years) of 73,4%. The regional economy is characterised by a wide variety of industries, ranging from traditional sectors to heavy and light industries. The production system is one of the most developed in Italy and Europe, with a strong presence of SMEs, except for a few very large firms. Entrepreneurship in Lombardy is thus widespread and dynamic, showing an international trend towards innovation, development, and technology. Lombardy also leads the way with a solid academic system of 14 high-quality universities as well as several public and private research centres with outstanding competence and international relevance. In such a context, the engagement of Lombardy in supporting R&D investments is intense and highly relevant. Innovation is indeed a distinguishing element of the region’s activities, being a driving force to ensure a competitive and modern socio-economic development.

Contact detail

  • Head of office

    Giuseppe Costa

  • Contact person

    Roberta Negriolli

  • Brussels Office Address

    Place du Champ De Mars, 1/3
    1050 Brussels

  • Regional Address

    Piazza Città di Lombardia 1
    20124 Milano MI

Regione Lombardia

S3 Strategy

The Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021‐27 confirms its “integrated trajectory” to foster regional development in the framework of the new EU Cohesion Policy, with the final objective of delivering a more targeted ERDF support and harnessing the potential for smart growth in the Lombardy region, focusing on key R&I priorities and building upon regional competitive strengths. Being also deeply influenced by the recovery orientations as emerged after the Covid-19 crisis, the new RIS3 outlines key strategic assets, resources, and priorities to lead future regional investments in R&I as well as in favour of industrial modernisation and technology transfer. In such a framework, the promotion of digital transition and sustainable development, along with the strengthening of regional resilience and its capacity to adapt to rapid socio-economic changes, represent the two main trajectories of action. The regional approach focuses on the identification of the main challenges to face in the coming years by concretely addressing eight innovation ecosystems, firmly keeping the citizens and their needs at the core. The resources will be concentrated on strategic projects supporting innovation processes in traditional sectors and the development of technological clusters so to help businesses to find strategic opportunities and provide new solutions for citizens.

Strategic R&I Projects


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  • By Teresa Vio

Arexpo's first urban innovation project: MIND Milano Innovation District

In the context of the International Festival of the New European Bauhaus (NEB Festival), the Delegation of the Lombardy Region to the EU will host on 9 June a meeting on Arexpo's first urban innovation project: MIND Milano Innovation District.

  • By Gabriele Pedrini

Fostering cooperation in Higher Vocational Education and Training (HVET) in the EUSALP area

The Action Group 3 (AG3) of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), under the leadership of the Autonomous Province of Trento and in collaboration with the Lombardy Region, is organising the high-level conference “Fostering cooperation in Higher Vocational Education and Training (HVET) in the EUSALP area” on 18 May 2022 in Brussels.

  • By Eva Damm

Bringing personalised medicine in people’s hands: the role of European regions

Regions4PerMed consortium supports the engagement of EU regions on Personalised Medicine by organizing this conference at the European Parliament with the goal of showcasing the great potential that Personalised Medicine holds and increase the commitment of regions to it. A workshop on 22 March will explore this.

  • By Sybille DITERICH

The Four Motors for industry: reshoring and attractiveness

In the framework of its presidency of the Four Motors for Europe in 2022, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region is organising a video conference on the theme "The Four Motors for industry: relocation and attractiveness". The event will take place on 10 March 2022.