The Stavanger Region European Office current key priorities are Smart City, Health, Energy, Climate, and Food. Just as the EU is aiming for Green Energy solutions, so is the Stavanger Region, with an increased focus on the production of renewable energy, especially when it comes to hydrogen and floating windmills. The office two main areas of expertise are Smart City and Health. When the City of Stavanger became a lighthouse City as a part of the Triangulum EU-project in 2014, this came with positive ripple effects for the region, leading to several Smart City-projects. Last year the Stavanger Region as an EIP-AHA reference site was awarded 3-stars as a part of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA). The EIP-AHA partnership has led to increased collaboration between the region’s stakeholders on health and for the health ecosystem. In addition to our main focus areas, other prioritised areas are energy, maritime sector, transport and infrastructure, education and research, culture and food. The office has 25 members, covering municipalities, companies, and organisations from both the public and private sector as well as academia.
rue du Luxembourg 3
1000 Brussels