The Stavanger Region European Office current key priorities are Smart City, Health, Energy, Climate, and Food. Just as the EU is aiming for Green Energy solutions, so is the Stavanger Region, with an increased focus on the production of renewable energy, especially when it comes to hydrogen and floating windmills. The office two main areas of expertise are Smart City and Health. When the City of Stavanger became a lighthouse City as a part of the Triangulum EU-project in 2014, this came with positive ripple effects for the region, leading to several Smart City-projects. Last year the Stavanger Region as an EIP-AHA reference site was awarded 3-stars as a part of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA). The EIP-AHA partnership has led to increased collaboration between the region’s stakeholders on health and for the health ecosystem. In addition to our main focus areas, other prioritised areas are energy, maritime sector, transport and infrastructure, education and research, culture and food. The office has 25 members, covering municipalities, companies, and organisations from both the public and private sector as well as academia.
rue du Luxembourg 3
1000 Brussels
On 26 February 2024, the New European Bauhaus Alliance introduced its Manifesto in Amsterdam. This Manifesto aims to help society move towards strong, climate-positive cities and communities. It wants to bring together people from different fields like engineering, economics, facility management, marine biology, industry, artificial intelligence, and others.
Haderslev Municipality and the Region of Southern Denmark are looking for partners for the project HealthyRegions4all Interreg Europe Call: In this project, we want to identify and test good efficient practices from other European countries on initiatives that take both physical, mental and social aspects of obesity into account to improve the health status among people with obesity related issues.
Stavanger region is seeking living lab partners in EU member states for a joint application to the call: HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-08: Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Labs.
The MISTLETOE (iMprovIng acceSs To paLliative care for pEople wiThOut cancer) proposal aims at developing a systems level multidimensional person-centred palliative care intervention at the interface between specialist and community/primary care for people without cancer and their care partners and formal care givers, by combining established evidence-based collaborative, fundamental nursing and specialist person-centred clinical and psychosocial palliative care models.
On 11 October, the ERRIN transport WG co-organised with POLIS network, Stavanger, Berlin, Turku and Ile de France regions, a panel as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities. The event discussed how young people’s voices can be elevated in the future of sustainable urban mobility and how our future transport systems can cater to their needs.
The European Commission has announced the 112 cities selected for the Mission on climate-neutral and smart cities. Over 65 of the selected cities come from ERRIN Member Regions. Selected cities will work together to reach climate neutrality by 2030.