HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01-01: Danish public-private partnership interested in joining a consortium

Call Information
Call Title
Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Labs
Call Reference
Funding Programme
Deadline of the Call
Proposal Information

The Odense Fjord Collaboration is an association of the primary stakeholders of Odense Fjord, a waterbody located in the region of Southern Denmark. The partnership was formed in 2022 and is collaborating to reach the goal of good ecological status for Odense Fjord by 2027 as set by the Water Frame Directive.

The Odense Fjord catchment is 1050 km2, making it the region's largest catchment. Five municipalities share the legal management of the area, which is composed of agricultural land, water- and nature-protection areas, forests, villages, bigger towns, and the city of Odense, with 200.000 inhabitants.  

The global crisis of climate change, as well as localised challenges with nutrient pollution and subsequent loss of biodiversity, is highly present in Odense Fjord. As the primary stakeholders, the partnership acknowledges its responsibility and obligation to connect the various strategies to holistic, multicriteria planning. This will allow targeted investments in nature-based solutions to reestablish positive ecosystem services in the catchment and fjord, improving the region's water quality and biodiversity. 

The goal will be achieved through the development of a governance setup that enables the stakeholders to plan and implement solutions faster and more efficiently and with the ability to raise local engagement through, for instance, citizen science.

The partners of the collaboration are:

  • Faarborg-Midtfyn, Nordfyn, Kerteminde and Odense municipalities.
  • The utility companies FFV Energi & Miljø, VandCenter Syd, Odense Renovation and Fjernvarme Fyn.
  • The agricultural organisation L&F Centrovice and the affiliated research- and development organisations SEGES and VELAS.
  • Local industry in the form of Odense Port, HJHansen, Marius Pedersen and Dansk Gartneri.
  • The regional green and recreational NGOs, such as Danmarks Naturfredsningsforening.
  • The University of Southern Denmark ensures evidence-based decision making.

The partnership has expertise in Horizon, LIFE and Interreg projects, both as partner and coordinator.

Deadline for Expression of Interest
Supporting Document
Contact Information
Helle Bech
Organisation Name
South Denmark EU Office

Join the ERRIN Cultural Heritage and Tourism WG: Call for a new leader

The Cultural Heritage and Tourism Working Group is looking for a new leader with an EU Tourism policy focus to join the Working Group leadership with Aragón Exterior, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Scotland Europa and North-East Romania.

Being a Working Group leader allows members to advance regional priorities and set the agenda for their Working Group and the wider network, strengthening collaboration between members in their thematic area.

The Cultural Heritage and Tourism Working Group has two main lines of action: Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Heritage, and the policies and actions that link the two areas. The WG investigates R&I-related measures to mitigate touristic flows' environmental and social impact and encourage the transition towards sustainable tourism and cultural policies and practices. To this end, the WG support ERRIN members in the uptake of digitalisation and developing skills and competences in the Cultural Heritage and Tourism sectors.

Finally, the Working Group aims to provide early information to members on cultural heritage and tourism policy future strands, financial tools, inter-regional joint activities, and EU calls. The WG strives to acknowledge the value of Cultural Heritage for European societies regarding identity, which goes beyond its role in tourism.

To expand the expertise of the leaders’ group, we are looking for a member with deep knowledge and interest in EU Tourism policies and awareness of regional needs in the sector – preferably combined with a general knowledge of Cultural Heritage policies due to the dual focus of the working group. Among other criteria, we will consider the capacity and the portfolio of the candidate and the member organisation (e.g. involvement in related EU projects or initiatives), as well as geographical and gender balance among leaders 

Please express your interest by emailing francesca.pozzebon@errin.eu and teresa.vio@errin.eu, starting your professional motivation and what you would like to achieve as a working group leader by 8 March 2024 EOB. 

transition pathway

A new transition pathway for a green, digital, and resilient EU mobility industrial ecosystem

The European Commission launched a new transition pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem, outlining a strategic roadmap for a sustainable and resilient future.

The EU mobility transition pathway, co-created in collaboration with national and regional authorities, industry stakeholders, NGOs, and other interested parties, aims to boost the European Union's commitment to fostering innovation, green technologies, and digital advancements within the mobility sector.

Aligned with the updated EU industrial strategy, the plan encompasses the entire automotive, rail, waterborne, and cycling value chains and related services. This collaborative effort aims to drive sustainable practices, reduce environmental impact, and enhance overall resilience within the mobility sector.

The report outlines seven main thematic blocks:

  1. Sustainable competitiveness
  2. Regulation and public governance
  3. Social dimension
  4. Skills
  5. R&I and technological solutions
  6. Infrastructure
  7. Investment and funding

The report will also be presented during an event in Brussels on 29 February 2024. Find more information and register here.

ERRIN will organise a dedicated meeting on the transition pathways. More information will be published soon. 

Buses in Barcelona

Improvement of the bus network service in Barcelona

The Barcelona Innova Lab Mobility is a project born through the Barcelona City Council and its mobility department, in collaboration with Fira de Barcelona and the Barcelona Institute of Technology for the Habitat (Bit Habitat). The Lab's mission is to promote and boost innovation in smart and sustainable urban mobility, according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

This year’s challenge is the Improvement of the bus network service in Barcelona. Public transport by bus is growing lately and is intended to increase its position as one of the basic mobility options in the city. Therefore, the system must be prepared for an expected growth in demand. As a result, there is a need to develop projects aimed to prepare the bus service network for the future while continuing to deliver a high-level service.

The proposal should be designed to:

  • Improve the user experience on the buses and the rest of the infrastructure, as those related to accessibility, security or interoperability
  • Optimize the efficiency of the bus service in the city to reduce travel time and improve coexistence with other vehicles
  • Develop and optimise technologies that improve current services associated with self-driving buses to ensure an inclusive, safe, and quality service.

The maximum duration of the project must be 18 months, of which the pilot phase with monitoring must be at least 6 months. The pilot phase must allow the evaluation of the results and validation of the solution.

The challenge is endowed with the MAXIMUM amount of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND EUROS (200,000.00 euros), while the maximum amount to be awarded for each project will be 100,000 euros, and the minimum is 40,000 euros.

For additional information, contact:

  • Karim Hassan - khassan@catalonia.com
  • Mariona Campmajó - mcampmajo@catalonia.com

For further information on the challenge as well as the regulatory bases, please find the opportunity in the following link: https://www.tomorrowmobility.com/barcelonainnovalabmobility/

Translating the EU Green Deal into local actions

Translating the EU Green Deal into local actions

This conference on Translating the Green Deal into Local Action is organised on 15 March in Brussels under the Belgian EU Presidency.

The conference aims to highlight how to implement the EU Green Deal, which requires a new multi-level governance framework with bridges between the EU initiatives and more direct funding solutions. The conference offers an opportunity for participants to be inspired by best practices from across Europe and to experience in-depth sessions with experts from the local to the European level. 

Find more information on the event and the registration here

Development of an AI-based solution for tourism in inland areas

Call Information
Call Title
Europe’s cultural heritage and arts – promoting our values at home and abroad
Call Reference
Funding Programme
Deadline of the Call
Proposal Information

The proposed project is part of the theme of “Roots Tourism”, a broad phenomenon which is finding particular interest in Italy, which is increasingly seen as an important lever for the development of conscious and sustainable tourism, capable of developing a strong impact in the territories where it is developed.

Enit (the Italian National Tourism Agency) has calculated that in 2019, about 6 million people visited Italy for reasons related to their family history, with an induced revenue of about 10 billion euros. It is estimated that the phenomenon affects around 80 million people worldwide. At the basis of the phenomenon, according to considerations recently expressed by Giuseppe De Rita "There are now fourth or fifth generation emigrants, who do not speak Italian but who have a strong attraction to Italy, because they want to get to know this place they have heard about through the traditions of their own family". 

Signalling the phenomenon's importance, Italy will declare 2024 the Year of Roots Tourism. 

It is also worth mentioning that this is not only an Italian phenomenon. A recent project the Storytelling lab was involved in on the heritage of WWII in Brabant showed how many Polish residents are interested in visiting the Netherlands and Breda in particular because the Polish army liberated this at the end of WWII, and many Polish citizens have remained here. This new generation of Poles also wants to find their roots by visiting Breda and the country.

The project proposes to use technologies based on artificial intelligence, suitably trained, to create a platform capable of valorising objects, classified as artefacts, that take on value solely by the relationships that bind them together and, consequently, their ability to refer back to the lives of real people and their stories. This is the sense of networking and processing in a systemic logic a mass of information already available today, which is inhomogeneous and comes from many different sources. "There is in fact no pure aesthetic interest, in the classical museum sense, if one considers the single object taken out of context and not as an isolated element, but in the set of relations that gives things mutual attraction, congruity, meaning and value". (Andrea Carandini - La forza del Contesto - Ed La Terza). 

Starting from data and with the help of AI technologies, it is possible to extract connections with which to reconstruct a network of relationships and histories of real people, family sagas, report property rights that were never claimed, and return to life through memory, places that are now abandoned or, in rare cases, gentrified and lived only as places for tourists and visitors.
In other words, it is a work of archaeology of the human being to create the pathos that can capture us and arouse the desire for a visit or a stay, experienced with an attentive and participatory gaze.

Partners Involved
Academies for Tourism and for Leisure & Events, Breda University of Applied Sciences (NL)
Espereal Technologies Srls (IT)
Departement of Electrical Engineering, University of Cagliari (IT) https://web.unica.it/unica/it/dip_ingelettrica.page
The Union of Museums, Tbilisi (GE)
Deadline for Expression of Interest
Partners Sought
Type of Partners Sought
We are looking for partners (both academic and not) in the field of cultural heritage, tourism and technology (ie AI).
Organisation Type
SMEs / Companies
Public Authority
University / Research centres
Citizens Organisation
Contact Information
Licia Calvi
Organisation Name
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Culture for Resilience Forum 2024

Culture for Resilience Forum 2024

The Culture for Resilience Forum 2024, an event focusing on the role of culture in societal resilience and community strengthening, is set to take place in Jakobstad, Finland, on May 7-8, 2024. Pre-registration is now open.

The forum offers an unparalleled platform for exploring the link between culture and social resilience in these times of change and uncertainty, underscoring the need to strengthen our communities. It notably provides insights into the role of culture in bolstering community strength and resilience to various challenges. Additionally, the forum examines the strategic roles of culture in place-making. It presents a unique opportunity to engage with key cultural, academic, and political figures and participate in a transformative dialogue on culture-driven social resilience.

In the Culture for Resilience Forum 2024, municipality representatives from the Baltic Sea Region will have the opportunity to connect internationally to other cities and towns facing the same problems and learn from their experiences overcoming the challenges of the day. Likewise, professionals from the culture and creative industries (CCI) will have the opportunity to network internationally and build contacts with municipalities.

In addition to the project partners, representatives of the cities awarded the title BSR Cultural Pearls 2024, as well as non-selected candidate municipalities, regional, national, and local public authorities, cultural institutions, academics, and knowledge intermediaries from the Baltic Sea Region and beyond are invited to attend. The forum is especially relevant for professionals connected to culture and social resilience in a municipal setting.

Registration will close on 15 April 2024.

Please register here.

Pionii Regelui Chess Club from Romania is looking for partners for educational programme

Call Information
Call Title
Small-scale Partnerships
Call Reference
Deadline of the Call
Proposal Information

Pionii Regelui Chess Club, a non-governmental organisation focused on educating rural children through chess from Romania, is seeking partners to join their Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnership project in sports, concentrating on developing an educational experience through chess.

Our project aims to improve access to education for children from rural areas and those in vulnerable situations, including foster care children and those of Roma ethnicity. Our initiative aims to use chess as a valuable educational tool, promoting cognitive development, mental discipline, and social skills through this ancient game.

Our project activities include online and physical lessons designed to provide a deep understanding of chess and its strategies. Additionally, we will organize a verification tournament to serve as a platform for evaluating the participants' progress. Meritorious children, distinguished by performance and commitment, will have the opportunity to participate in an educational camp, a conducive environment for further developing their chess skills and interacting with their peers. The project will conclude with a competitive tournament and a closing ceremony, marking the recognition of the participants' achievements and celebrating their success. During the project, mutual visits will be organized between the project partners to exchange best practices and actively involve each other in the project activities.

Our goal is to create a collaborative network of dedicated partners who contribute to extending the educational impact of chess on children from rural and vulnerable environments. By directly involving these entities, we wish to provide children with access to valuable learning opportunities, stimulating their intellectual, social, and emotional development through the power of chess. Together, we can build a solid platform for children's education, using chess as an entertainment activity and a profound educational and personal development tool.

Project Budget: 60.000 EUR
Duration of Project: 12 months
Deadline for application submission: 5 March 2024

Type of Partners Sought:

In our innovative project, we aim to collaborate with the following entities to expand and enhance our educational offerings:

  • Chess clubs that are interested in sharing their expertise and actively participating in the educational process by providing chess lessons, educational materials, and support for organizing chess tournaments.
  • Educational centres or institutions aiming to improve access to quality education for all children, including those from vulnerable or disadvantaged backgrounds. These centres would contribute additional educational resources and could host both online and physical learning sessions to ensure broad and effective coverage.
  • Schools interested in integrating chess into their educational curriculum or offering extracurricular activities centred on chess. Partner schools will benefit from support in implementing chess programs, enriching their students' educational experience and promoting their holistic development.


Name: Vlad Ionuț Stegariu
Email Address: pioniiregelui@gmail.com 
Organisation Name: ACS Pionii Regelui

Project Budget
60,000 EUR
Deadline for Expression of Interest
European Commission Contribution
Partners Sought
Type of Partners Sought
- Chess clubs that are interested in sharing their expertise and actively participating in the educational process by providing chess lessons, educational materials, and support for organizing chess tournaments.
- Educational centers or institutions aiming to improve access to quality education for all children, including those from vulnerable or disadvantaged backgrounds. These centers would contribute additional educational resources and could host both online and physical learning sessions to ensure broad and effective coverage.
- Schools interested in integrating chess into their educational curriculum or offering extracurricular activities centered on chess. Partner schools will benefit from support in implementing chess programs, thereby enriching the educational experience of their students and promoting their holistic development.
Contact Information
Andreea Leru
Organisation Name
North-East Regional Development Agency, Romania

Erasmus+ Project: Strengthening Understanding and Solidarity among Youth in Ukraine and EU Countries

Proposal Information

Background and context

Being young should be associated with innocence, building experience, new horizons, hope. Experiencing childhood and young adulthood in a country at war means experiencing another reality. When the war started, there were 7.3 million teenagers in Ukraine. According to the UN, ”children across Ukraine are showing signs of widespread learning loss, including a deterioration in learning outcomes of the Ukrainian language, reading and mathematics, as the war preceded by the COVID-19 pandemic have left students facing a fourth year of disruption to education”. Teenagers also have restricted access to culture, activities and distractions and some of them have had traumatic experiences related to war, such as violence, loss and grief, displacement, as well as constant fear and anxiety of an uncertain future. According to a survey conducted by the Dobrodiyiv Club charitable foundation and published 15 months after the war started, among citizens aged 13-19 across Ukraine, ”almost 40% of young people feel fear for their lives and health - their own and their loved ones - because of the war”.

Despite this, Ukrainian teenagers have more confident in themselves and the country. The survey shows that 93% of young people believe in their strength, and 70% know what they want to become in the future. Lastly, 90% of adolescents said they want to be useful in the country's post-war reconstruction. Multinational cooperation around the values of Europe in Ukraine will contribute, through this Erasmus + project, to support and inspire young Ukrainians.

In the EU countries, the perception of the war in Ukraine is worth tackling. In a world dominated by social media, we can observe that, although young people can access abundant information and connect across borders, the war in Ukraine has become normalised and distant for many EU citizens.



The objective of this Erasmus + project is to place a spotlight on the future of the youth in war-affected Ukraine, both in Ukraine and in the EU. The project seeks to raise greater awareness of the consequences of the war for youth in Ukraine and EU countries while strengthening courage, unity, and community among young people from Ukraine and the EU. Our approach is to highlight hope and courage in a future where democracy should not be taken for granted, and dreams should not be forgotten even in difficult times.


Scope of work and activities

Workshops among young people in Ukraine on the following topics:

  • Digital Narratives: Experiment with digital narratives such as podcasts and videos, allowing young people to express their thoughts and emotions in a more personal and dynamic manner.
  • Inter-cultural Understanding: Focus on the similarities and differences between young people in Ukraine and EU countries, including traditions, values, and daily life, to foster a broader understanding of each other's backgrounds.
  • Digital Dialogues: Facilitate digital dialogues among young people from Ukraine and EU countries through online platforms, enabling ongoing connection and exchange of ideas.
  • Storytelling through Art: Enable young people to express their experiences through various art forms like painting, sculpture, or digital art, resulting in an art exhibition conveying the youth perspective on the war and hope for the future where language is not a barrier.
  • Education and Training: Implement longer-term educational programs, including training young people as ambassadors for the project, who can share knowledge and build lasting bonds between collaborators.
  • Creative Writing and Journalism: Integrate creative writing and journalism into the project, creating articles, blogs, or even a digital news channel run by the youth themselves, further amplifying their voices.
  • Innovation and Technology: Incorporate technological elements such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) to create a more profound and engaging experience of the lives and perspectives of the young people.
  • Evaluation and Research: Include a research component, evaluating the project's impact and using results to inform future similar initiatives, with feedback from the involved youth to ensure the project's relevance and effectiveness.


Events in each of the partner countries

After conduction of the workshops, materials and results will be brought back to the partner countries to sensitize young EU citizens, in order to proceed to dissemination activities. This will be done through i) one event in each of the partner countries, in the form of an exhibition and/or workshop and through ii) online communication, in the form of a website/blog accessible in all the EU countries.


Implementation actors and collaborators

We are a Danish company specialising in addressing complex issues faced by children and youth, with a main focus on the sea, marine environment, EU, and politics. Our emphasis lies in inclusive practices through workshops, festivals, social media engagement, and school visits. Our multinational team possesses expertise in rhetoric, project implementation, communication, psychology, international business communication, as well as security and defense in a Danish context.


Project Budget
400.000 EUR
Duration of Project
24 months
Deadline for Expression of Interest
Partners Sought
Type of Partners Sought
We are looking for partners, such as creative businesses, start ups, schools, institutions, NGOs, or municipalities, who share our vision and have experience facilitating workshops and projects focused on youth, also in conflict-affected areas.  Collaborators should be committed to enhancing understanding and solidarity among youth in Ukraine and EU countries.
Organisation Type
SMEs / Companies
Public Authority
University / Research centres
Citizens Organisation
Contact Information
Maria Sofie Juhl
Organisation Name
North Denmark EU-Office
EU City Calculator: a learning programme to support public authorities in reaching climate neutrality

EU City Calculator: a learning programme to support public authorities in reaching climate neutrality

From 26 February 2024, all European cities will have the opportunity to enroll in the EUCityCalc project's learning programme to learn how to collect data and use the EU City Calculator tool, which is a free, open source online platform that allows local councils and other stakeholders to visualise and simulate low-carbon scenarios for their towns and cities, as well as to assess the trade-offs related to available choices.

Cities can integrate their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) data as well as some key socio-demographic trends into the tool. The model completes any missing data (energy, emissions, activity data) thanks to a rich database at the level of each European country. The web tool can then provide public officials with critical insight and foresight into the implications and ramifications of various policy choices and investments. The European City Calculator provides cities with an overview of the different measures and their effects on emission reductions and indication of costs. Cities can build their own climate and energy scenarios, discover their impacts and compare them with their climate and energy targets. The web tool is ultimately designed to make the decision-making and implementation of climate and energy strategies easier for European cities.

The EUCityCalc project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, has tested the tool in 10 pilot cities in different stages of their climate neutrality transition as they have developed locally owned and inclusive transition roadmaps. 

Learn more about the EUCityCalc learning programme here