Transport WG meeting - EURegionsWeek 2022: Youth engagement in the green transition
The European Commission has indicated 2022 as the European Year of Youth. Europe needs the vision, engagement and participation of all young people to build a better future that is greener, more inclusive and digital. This includes a rethinking of the urban mobility framework to make it more in line with the youths’ needs and priorities.
To explore the way forward, ERRIN joins cities and regions from across Europe to convene this session on “youth and mobility” to discuss how to reach this goal with representatives from the institutions, public authorities and young delegates.
This hybrid event is part of European Week of Regions and Cities, taking place on 10-13 October, the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy! The conference explores shared challenges for Europe's regions and cities, capacity-building, learning, and exchange and feed into the debate on EU cohesion policy.
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an exceptional communication and networking event in the European Union. It promotes policy learning and the exchange of good practices, bringing together innovative regions and cities from all over Europe.
Together, Ile de France, Berlin, Stavanger Region, Turku- as well as POLIS Network and ERRIN, explore:
1. How can young citizens become an active player in their area?
2. How can we capitalise on existing experiments and solutions already tested in cities?
3. How to take into account the expectations of the young generation?
Want to join?
You can register on the EURegionsWeek 2022 event webpage
Date: 11 October 2022, 11:30- 13:00 (CEST)
Location: Rue du Trône, 98, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium (and online)