Southern Italy region: 535,830 inhabitants. Borders: Puglia, Campania, Calabria. Two provinces: Potenza and Matera, 131 municipalities, mostly mountainous and sparsely populated. Rich of natural resources. Still largely devoid of important communication routes. Key figures: 53,653 active companies, (33.7%) agriculture; (6.7%) manufacturing; (11.4%) building , Services, (48%) . These are mainly SMEs. Workforce: 39,29 % of regional population.
Rue du Trône 62
1050 Brussels
RIS 2021-27, 5 Areas: Energy, cultural and creative industries, aerospace-earth observation, bioeconomy, automotive 24 development trajectors:
-Energy efficiency
-RES & circular economy
-Accumulation: management and control technologies and systems
-Smart networks & microgrids, energy communities
- Infrastructure & sustainable mobility
-Eco-compatible use of non-renewable energy sources and protection of territory
-Hydrogen technologies
-Emerging technologies and innovative models for the restoration, protection and conservation of tangible and intangible heritage
- Emerging technologies for content creation & creative production
-Innovative tools and models of the CCI to support other production sectors
- Social and cultural innovation for the territories
- Development of EO technologies for the GREEN transition and land security
- Strengthening the EO value chain in synergy with similar sectors
- Strengthening of TLC infrastructures, enabling technologies and industrial development services
- Strengthening of applied research infrastructures
- Management of water resources in the agro-industrial chain
- Genomic research for sustainable, precision and integrated agriculture
- Nutrition, well-being and non-technological innovation
- Green chemistry
- Hybrid and electric vehicles, related components and life cycle management
- Advanced Manufacturing & management
- New materials and related processes
- Consolidation and strengthening of the Basilicata automotive innovation ecosystem
-Promotion of sustainable mobility
Coastour Project’s call for rural coastal tourism SMEs application is now open! COASTOUR project’s focus is on sustainable and resilient transformation of the rural coastal tourism industry. Consortium partners are to represent coastal rural areas in 5 countries: Denmark, Lithuania, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia. Deadline for project proposals is on 28 August 2024, 17:00 CET.
In a dynamic two-day event held on 5 – 6 May in Naples, Be.CULTOUR, project in which ERRIN is a partner, successfully hosted its final event 'Beyond Cultural Tourism: Beautiful, Circular, Human'. The results of the project, the tools developed, and the materials and guides produced to inspire and accompany any other regions interested in boosting their sustainability and entrepreneurship of local cultural tourism are available on the Be.CULTOUR website.
As one of the eight Horizon 2020 research projects included in the latest CORDIS Results Pack, ERRIN's Be.CULTOUR project features as a good practice to promote sustainable cultural tourism. The results showcase how working with local communities and cultural heritage leads to better conservation practices and authentic visitor experiences while boosting local economies. CORDIS, the EU's research results platform, disseminates findings from EU-funded research to drive innovation across multiple sectors.
The Be.CULTOUR community gathered in Sciacca, Italy, on 21 -22 September, for the second Be.CULTOUR peer-learning study visit. The event, organised by ERRIN and hosted by The 5 Senses Open-air Museum of Sciacca, one of the 16 Be.CULTOUR mirror ecosystems, provided an excellent opportunity for 50 participants coming from different countries in Europe to share inputs for the Be.CULTOUR policy recommendations on circular tourism and engage in knowledge-sharing and best-practice discussions.
Until 20 October 2023, 46 regions that have been identified as facing a sharp working-age population decline, in combination with a low and stagnating share of people with tertiary education and brain drain can apply for an open call for technical assistance under the Talent Booster Mechanism.
International partners from Be.CULTOUR project community traveled to West Yorkshire from 27 to 30 May to learn more about key events and destinations in the district, including Bradford 2025, exchange successful approaches and build collaborations. The visit was organised in the frame of the peer-learning activities of Be.CULTOUR, where Saltaire Inspired, an arts charity creating contemporary art events in Saltaire Industrial Village, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the 16 mirror ecosystems. Among the visitors, 3 ERRIN members took part in the event, presenting their innovative approaches toward circular cultural tourism and experience as Capitals of Culture: the City of Leeuwarden, APT Basilicata and the City of Savonlinna.