Region Skåne

Region Skåne’s Brussels office is an integrated part of the department for regional development, unit EU and International relations, at Region Skåne. We represent the interests of Skåne, the southernmost region in Sweden, in relation to EU policy and programmes in particular in the areas of health and health care, research and innovation, industry, digitalisation and environment. Region Skåne is responsible for and coordinates all public and private health care in Skåne and also has a responsibility for the development of business, mobility (including public transport), culture and cooperation with other regions in Sweden, Europe and beyond. Region Skåne's highest decision-making body is the Regional Council, which is elected directly by the inhabitants of Skåne. There are four universities in Skåne (Lund University, Malmö University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Kristianstad University). Lund University is currently the second strongest participating organisation in Horizon 2020 in Sweden. Skåne is also hosting two new world-class research infrastructures in materials sciences – the European Spallation Source and the MAX IV Laboratory.

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Region Skåne

S3 Strategy

Skåne’s innovation strategy for sustainable growth is the region’s Smart Specialisation Strategy. The current version was adopted in 2019 by the Research and Innovation Council of Skåne, an informal advisory body made up of representatives at decision-making level from regional and municipal authorities, universities and the private sector in Skåne. The strategy designates six priority areas that the region should mobilise around: 1) Advanced materials and manufacturing industry, 2) ESS, MAX IV and the innovation system Science Village, 3) Food, 4) Life science and health, 5) Smart sustainable cities and 6) Tech (ICT). The strategy also describes how the region should strive to achieve impact through collaboration in the development of 1) regional leadership, 2) attractive innovation ecosystems, 3) strong innovation support systems and 4) analysis and communication. Finally, the strategy also includes priorities for strategic financing, where EU funding plays an important part.

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  • By Lucy Hammond

100 ERRIN member cities and regions become signatories of the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change Charter

During the recent European Research and Innovation Days, the European Commission announced the 2nd wave of signatories to the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change Charter, with a further 100 regions and local authorities signing. Of the now 215 signatories, a staggering 100 are associated with ERRIN member cities and regions.

  • By Hilary Webb

Leuven announced as European Capital of Innovation 2020

Leuven has been announced as the winner of the European Capital of Innovation 2020. The city will receive €1,000,000 for its excellent innovation concepts, processes and governence models.

  • By Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

Collaborating towards a Horizon Europe mission on climate-neutral cities by and for citizens – how do we ensure smartness?

On 4 December, Lärosäten Syd – the network of Universities in South Sweden – together with the other south Swedish Brussels offices co-organised a policy event in Brussels to present the main wishes and expectations of south Swedish actors on the Horizon Europe mission on cities, as well as to discuss with European partners the main recommendations for the implementation of the mission.

  • By Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

Design Days prep meeting - 30th of August - Draft agenda x 2 + Summary of proposals

Dear all, please find the draft agendas ("in-depth" workshops and world café-style workshop respectively) along with the so far accepted proposals for interventions!  Best regards, Anna, Jakob and Konsta

  • By Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

Design & Creativity WG - Design Days 2018: Information and best practice template

This is the follow-up document from our most recent meeting - in it you will find the agreed information relating to Design Days 2018, as well as a template for proposing an intervention from your stakeholders.  You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions!  Anna, Jakob and Konsta    

  • By Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

DRAFT outline 8th of March

Design-driven innovation and support for creative industries 8th of March 2018, Brussels Overview Venue: Unioncamere Lombardia EU Office Timeframe – 09.00 – 13.00 09:00 – 09:30 Registration and coffee 09:30 – 11:00 Session 1 and 2 (2x45 minutes ca) 11:00 – 11:30 Break 11:30 – 13:00 Session 3 and 4 (2x45 minutes ca)   Organisers: Unioncamere Lombardia, ERRIN Design & Creativity Working Group Nu