Stuttgart Region European Office

"Joining Forces" - true to the motto of the Stuttgart Region, our involvement in European affairs is well networked. The Stuttgart Region was the first region in Germany to set up its own representative office in Brussels, which it has held continuously since 2002. The office is located in Baden-Württemberg's representative office. This makes it possible to be part of a network and to gain fast access to information relating to research, innovation policy, energy, transport, the environment, media and the creative industries, all of which are relevant for what is one of Europe's most innovative regions.

Contact detail

  • Contact person

    Marcus Göpfert

  • Brussels Office Address

    Avenue des Arts 56
    1000 Brussels

Stuttgart Region

Working Group Leaders

Latest Updates

  • By Anna Spechtenhauser

B2B Platform for companies and "United we stream" in Stuttgart Region

With "United we stream Stuttgart" and a B2B Cooperation Platform, Stuttgart Region has launched two new initiatives to meet the current challenges .

  • By Anonymous

"Regionaut" answers questions in Stuttgart Region

Stuttgart Region's "Regionaut" - an automatic computer-based chat programme - answers important questions companies might have during this difficult period.

  • By Agnieszka Wieczorek Jetha

EU Design Day 2024

Join the next edition of the EU Design Day, registrations are now open! The 12th edition of EU Design Day will happen in Brussels on 17 September 2024, gathering key stakeholders from the design and creativity sectors for a networking opportunity with familiar and new faces, while being inspired by insightful initiatives and projects. This year's topic will be: From citizens to citizens - shared places in community spaces.

  • By Anonymous

What comes next, after the adoption of the Leipzig Charter and Territorial Agenda of the European Union? What role do metropolitan regions play?

At the end of 2020, the revised Leipzig Charter and the Territorial Agenda of the European Union will be signed by the national governments. Both strategies set new standards for European spatial planning and urban policy. Metropolitan regions play an increasingly important role in this, because a city alone cannot meet the challenges of the future. Join this online meeting to discuss necessary measures that should be taken for a successful implementation and how metropolitan regions can foster this process.