Introduction to the Project

The Green Growth project is the horizontal project in the Green Growth Community and is financed by the transnational European Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean (Interreg MED). The Green Growth Community includes 14 modular projects under priority Axis 1: Promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth. The Green Growth project is the second phase project, which builds upon the achievements of the first phase project SYNGGI.

The Green Growth Community promotes green growth and the circular economy in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The Community aims to inspire Mediterranean societies in adopting and promoting sustainability by forging cooperation and catalysing synergies between actors of the quadruple helix (public authorities, academia, civil society, industry & business). Since 2016, the Community has involved 165 partners from 13 Mediterranean countries in 14 innovation projects working on food systems, eco-innovation, smart cities and waste management. The Union for the Mediterranean labelled the community in October 2019, acknowledging its potential to support the transition to a green and circular economy and to deliver concrete benefits to the citizens of the Mediterranean region.

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project Objectives

The Green Growth project supports the modular projects in their knowledge sharing, communication and capitalisation efforts, which in turn increases their impact at policy level and ensures potential transfer and replication of their results.

The Green Growth project's objectives are:

Empower a Green Growth Community for Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean countries by connecting Green Growth actors through key EU Green Growth events, seminars and community workshops.

Producing knowledge on Green Growth, acting as a hub to collect and disseminate project results through indexes and tools, and providing capitalisation support to transfer its green growth approaches and main findings towards the replication of results to countries in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

Contributing to positive change by producing common policy outcomes to inform the evolution of national and EU Green Growth and Circular Economy legal and policy frameworks.

Upgrading Green Growth Community networks by creating bridges and forging collaborations between networks, institutions and programmes both within and outside the Interreg MED cooperation area in order to promote Green Growth synergies among Mediterranean initiatives.

ERRIN's Role

ERRIN is responsible for the capitalisation work within the project, which aims to transfer the results from the Green Growth Community to the whole Mediterranean area and beyond, and to promote the integration of these results into policy frameworks at EU, Mediterranean and regional level. Advocacy activities will be undertaken to further promote the results as well as the MED green growth approach, together with liaising activities directed towards relevant stakeholders. Cooperation and networking with key partners, both inside and outside the MED area, is also an imperative part of the capitalisation work.

Further, ERRIN will be in charge of organising quadruple helix stakeholder workshops in five Mediterranean regions, with the aim to create a multi-stakeholder dialogue on sustainable development and to share best practices in the field of green growth, which will promote the effective transfer of concrete results into regional policies. 

  • Heidi Johansson
  • Project Manager

Benefit & Links

The mainstreaming activities, which ERRIN is leading on, provides an opportunity for ERRIN members to take part of the outcomes of the Green Growth Community, and to use this knowledge and best practices to improve green growth policies in their regions by integrating these outcomes into their regional policy frameworks. By participating in the mainstreaming activities, ERRIN member regions will be able to further develop their regional policies related to areas such as agri-food, eco-innovation, waste management and resource efficiency, and will also be able to expand their networks and create new partnerships.

When relevant, ERRIN members are invited to participate in the project’s capitalisation events and regional workshops. In addition, the Green Growth project will look to produce policy position papers on the green growth thematic which can feed into ERRIN’s policy work and vice versa.

Project in Action



Opportunity to participate in a knowledge transfer process led by ERRIN

ERRIN hosted a webinar to introduce its members to the Green Growth Community and how they can make use of the community's knowledge, results, and experiences through the Green Growth project activities led by ERRIN.

Green Growth Community spurs sustainable cooperation

An interview with the coordinator of the Green Growth Community, Mercè Boy Roura, to learn why cooperation is key to mainstreaming circularity and why the Community should serve as a model for all future cooperation.

Latest Updates

  • By Heidi Johansson

Opportunity to participate in a knowledge transfer process led by ERRIN

ERRIN hosted a webinar to introduce its members to the Green Growth Community and how they can make use of the community's knowledge, results, and experiences through the Green Growth project activities led by ERRIN.

  • By Heidi Johansson

Green Growth Community spurs sustainable cooperation

An interview with the coordinator of the Green Growth Community, Mercè Boy Roura, to learn why cooperation is key to mainstreaming circularity and why the Community should serve as a model for all future cooperation.

  • By Pieter de Jong

IWA Resource Recovery conference 2025

IWA Conference Resource Recovery 2025 will be hosted by Wetsus in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. Experts worldwide will attend this unique event, which will showcase the upscaling of resources recovered from water. All recovered elements, ranging from Bioplastics to Nutrients, and from Lithium to Ironphosphate are in scope. The conference builds on the 5th IWA Resource Recovery conference, hosted in Shenzhen, China.

  • By Rebecca Timm

EURegionsWeek political workshop: Navigating smart and sustainable growth in cities and regions

Are you interested in learning more about how cities and regions navigate smart and sustainable growth? Join the Capital Cities and Regions Network (CCRN) during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2024. The event will take place in Brussels on 10 October, 09:30 - 11:00.

  • By Gianpiero Petruzziello

Boosting circular economy in the transition towards climate neutrality

The Interreg MED Green Growth project, in which ERRIN is a partner, is organising its final event 'Boosting circular economy in the transition towards climate neutrality' in Brussels on 1 June. Taking place the day after the EU Green Week conference in Brussels, the event presents a perfect opportunity for participants to combine both events and to network with circular economy enthusiasts from across Europe.

  • By Heidi Johansson

Food losses, food waste reduction and organic waste management in the Mediterranean Region

The webinar, organised by the Union for the Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Green Growth community, aims to provide current insight and future predictions on the importance of food losses, food waste reduction and organic waste management in the Mediterranean region.