ERRIN members preparing for Cities Mission co-creation activities with MOSAIC
Last month, ERRIN’s project MOSAIC ran an open call to find cities and regions preparing for the Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, interested in collaborating with MOSAIC on their citizen engagement activities. 16 cities and regions applied and MOSAIC is looking forward to working with all of them. A number of these cities will pilot MOSAIC’s mission-orientated co-creation methodology, while other cities will follow with replication activities in the Community of Practice.
ERRIN is pleased to share that 14 of these cities and regions are ERRIN members, they are:
Aarhus (Central Denmark)
Andrychów (Malopolska)
Eindhoven (Brainport Eindhoven EU Office Brussels)
Espoo (Helsinki EU Office)
Gothenburg (Västra Götaland)
Groningen (Cities Northern Netherlands)
Lannion Trégor Communauté (Bretagne)
Leuven (Flanders)
Pau (Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine)
Skawina (Malopolska)
Tampere (Tampere Region EU Office)
Turku (Turku South West Finland EU Office)
Zaragoza (Aragón Exterior)
Over the coming months MOSAIC will work with the cities both as they prepare to submit their Expressions of Interest to the Cities Mission, develop their Climate City Contracts and as they then work with their citizens to achieve their climate-neutrality goals by 2030.