Polish-Italian cooperation in the field of biomedicine

Polish-Italian cooperation in the field of biomedicine

The first conference of the series “Copernicus Dialogues” will take place on 27 October at the Polish Academy of Sciences – Scientific Centre in Rome. The focus of the first event will be Polish-Italian cooperation in the field of biomedicine. The conference is co-organised by the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Research Council of Italy (CNR) with a strategic partnership of one of PAN research institutes. Participants of the event will discuss topics such as chronic pain and its treatment, pharmacology of brain diseases, protein corona and other areas of biomedicine important for our daily well-being. All stakeholders interested in the field of life sciences, health and biomedicine are welcome to join.

Please find attached a full agenda of the meeting, including speakers. You may register to participate via the registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/d9zjf5ngGY

The meeting will be an occasion to meet researchers from Poland and Italy, discuss relevant scientific questions as well as possibly engage in future collaborative research. PolSCA Office in Brussels will be there too, providing concise information on joint research funding opportunities of the Horizon Europe. 

City of Ostend (Belgium) requests to join a project application/consortium for LIFE-2023-CET-ENERPOV call

Call Information
Funding Programme
Deadline of the Call
Proposal Information

The city of Ostend, Belgium, runs the ‘Energiehuis’, a one-stop shop that supports citizens, companies and public authorities in their energy refurbishment projects. Established in 2007, the main task of the Energiehuis is to help reduce the CO2 emissions in Ostend with a special focus on citizens living in energy poverty.

As signatories to the Covenant of Mayors 2050, the Energiehuis is now collaborating with other services of the city of Ostend and civil society associations to prepare an Energy Poverty Action Plan. We aim to maximise the impact of this plan by embedding it in a LIFE Clean Energy Transition application (Subtopic: Alleviating household energy poverty and vulnerability in Europe). This will increase both the financial leverage and the opportunities for cross-fertilisation with other initiatives and players.

An Energy Poverty Action Plan: progressing from a policy vision to tangible cost- and energy-saving projects for vulnerable households

The 2021-2023 energy crisis revealed, among other things, the increasing urgency of addressing energy poverty. The city’s climate mitigation plan (in execution since 2021) was already anticipating this and explicitly states addressing energy poverty and implementing an inclusive climate policy. However, access to renewable energy sources is far from obvious for vulnerable groups in energy poverty. At the same time, they represent a group of the population where a major breakthrough can be achieved in realising the climate transition.

Many European cities signed the Covenant of Mayors 2050. Drawing up an Energy Poverty Action Plan is therefore a collective task for European cities, but also requires an approach that is new for many cities. This makes it a suitable topic for international cooperation through a European project grant, in particular LIFE Clean Energy Transition.

By cooperating internationally on the preparation of action plans against energy poverty, we aim for knowledge and expertise to be shared between different European cities, research institutes and organisations committed to fighting (energy) poverty. But we also want to go beyond just a policy document. Given its action-oriented nature, our greatest interest is to ensure that this plan also leads to tangible results in the field.

One possible action is a financing model to offer solar energy to disadvantaged target groups. Another one could be a cooperation model with the social housing company in which the energy consumption of around 100 households is accurately mapped by linking dongles to digital meters. In-depth energy scans then make recommendations to drastically reduce energy consumption through small interventions. A European project would enable the creation of a 'monitoring centre' at the Energiehuis to oversee, implement and then scale up the process undertaken.

This directly links us to scope 2 ‘Design & pilot tailored, large scale programmes to improve energy skills and capacity of vulnerable households’ and scope 3 ‘Capacity building for public authorities and social intermediaries – set up cross sectoral coordination structures’.

Deadline for Expression of Interest
Contact Information
Sam Lanckriet
Organisation Name
City of Ostend
digi europe

Digital Europe Programme: Commission opens calls to invest in data spaces for tourism and cultural heritage

Last week, the European Commission opened new calls for proposals under the 2023-2024 Work Programmes of the Digital Europe Programme to strengthen digital capacities across the EU. The calls are open to businesses, public administrations, and other entities from the EU Member States, EFTA/EEA countries, and associated countries. Over €12 million has been allocated for projects under these calls focusing on continuing support for the creation of data spaces, a cornerstone of the EU data strategy.

  • These Digital Europe Programme calls will see €8 million in grants for projects and follow the Commission’s recent communication on the building blocks for a common European tourism data space. The European tourism data space is a key deliverable of the tourism transition pathway, making the tourism ecosystem more resilient, digital and sustainable. The data space will boost data-sharing among tourism businesses, destinations and public authorities, which will have an impact on productivity, greening and sustainability, innovative business models and upskilling. This will help tourist destinations understand what tourists are looking for and tailor their offerings accordingly, predict when tourists are likely to come, and allow destinations to plan.
  • There will also be a further planned investment of €4 million for the deployment of a data space for cultural heritage. This will make more high-quality European cultural content available, particularly in 3D, foster the reuse of digitised cultural resources and provide more opportunities for the community to offer enriched services, thanks to the use of advanced technologies.

Under the previous Digital Europe 2021-2022 Work Programme, the foundation was laid for the development of 12 data spaces in key areas of public interest. The opening of these Digital Europe programmes calls for proposals under the 2023-2024 Work Programme ensures the continuation of this work, in particular as regards the further deployment of sectorial data spaces. More information as regards applying for grants for these calls for proposals is available online.

Further calls under the 2023-2024 Work Programme will be published later this year.

Den Kreative Skole, Denmark is looking to develop an Erasmus+ cooperation partnership for the future for Schools for music and performing arts

Call Information
Funding Programme
Proposal Information

Den Kreative Skole, Denmark would like to develop an Erasmus+ project with the following trends within the sector of music and performing arts schools in mind:

• an orientation towards working on shifting the focus from the participants' adaptation to existing formats to the institutions' responsibility to respond to the needs and prerequisites that children and young people have for participation
• a facilitating approach to teaching
• an orientation from individual relationships to collective relationships: group teaching and communities
• collaborations: team collaborations, collaborations across art forms and/or collaborations across institutions
• to work to support well-being more generally in our society with adapted and targeted artistic activities

The above examples of focus areas have attracted attention and interest from music and cultural schools both nationally and internationally. Currently, there are no clear answers to how to get there; what does it require of our abilities to reflect on and evaluate our practice? What does it require of concrete approaches and methods for pedagogy and didactics? And where are we going to get them? What does it require of the formats of activities? 

An international collaboration, such as an Erasmus+ project, will therefore give an opportunity to think together, which will be the basis for a joint, focused effort to succeed in the necessary development. Here it is absolutely crucial to enter into collaborations with actors who can qualify our work; e.g. educational or knowledge institutions.


About us: 

Den Kreative Skole/The Creative School is an Art School located in the town of Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. We have approx. 50 teachers and in addition there is an administration consisting of 7 persons.

Our core task is to teach children and young people aged 0-25 music, dance, visual arts and theatre. Most of our teaching takes place in their spare time. In these activities, we are generally concerned with how to continuously qualify our teaching and formats; for example, we are keen to work so that we appeal broadly to ensure that as many children and young people as possible have the opportunity to engage in the artistic subjects. We are also very interested in how we support strong communities in our activities; for example, we have introduced that, as a beginner in instrument lessons, you initially start in a small group of 4-6 students rather than solo teaching.  

In addition to our leisure activities, we also have collaborations and activities in schools and day care. Eg. in 21 out of 25 schools in our municipality, we have set up ‘culture classes’ in collaboration with the schools: here a school class is taught an instrument for one school hour a week throughout the year in collaboration with a teacher from Den Kreative Skole and a primary school teacher. It is our clear expectation that our activities in this type of collaboration will grow in the future.

Alongside the aforementioned activities, we work in the field of 'culture as health promotion'; for example, we have ‘culture on prescription’, which is a choral and/or visual arts course targeted at citizens with mild to moderate depression, stress and anxiety. We also run the project ‘singing with mothers’, which is a 10-week singing intervention for vulnerable pregnant women and mothers with postpartum reactions.

Project Budget
120.000 - 400.000 euro
Duration of Project
Deadline for Expression of Interest
Partners Sought
Type of Partners Sought
We are looking for schools for music and performing arts - or institutions working in the field of creativity with and for children and young people from EU or countries associated with the E+ programme that want to develop an Erasmus+ cooperation partnership together with us, a Danish school for music and performing arts. We are looking towards the field of youth. We are also interested in knowledge institutions that would be able to qualify and evaluate our process and ideas throughout the project.
Contact Information
Louise Frøkjær Carstens
Organisation Name
Den Kreative Skole, Denmark
WG image

Smart Cities & Bioeconomy WG: Nature Restoration Law - Innovations for the creation of greener cities

The Smart Cities and Bioeconomy Working Groups are organising a meeting on the Nature Restoration Law, taking place on 26 October between 10:00-12:15 CEST. The meeting is hosted by the Cities Northern Netherlands EU Office, located on Rue de Trêves 59-61, 1040 Brussels. 

The new Nature Restoration Law, which passed through the European Parliament in July 2023, will present challenges to cities as it proposes ambitious restoration requirements for urban ecosystems. This meeting will discuss some of these challenges while also showcasing innovative solutions. The European Commission will present the current state of play of the Nature Restoration Law and CINEA will introduce funding opportunities for cities and regions to create greener cities. Three ERRIN members will present examples of innovative solutions that urban areas can adopt to fulfil the requirements of the law, with the aim to jointly explore the innovation potential that the new law presents.

The WG leaders invite members and speakers to stay for a networking lunch to continue the discussions and exchanges after the end of the meeting.

The agenda can be found attached.

Thank you to all members for your active participation in the meeting. Please find the presentations attached.

How is Artificial Intelligence shaping work?

How is Artificial Intelligence shaping work? European Employment & Social Rights Forum 2023

At the second European Employment & Social Rights Forum, a wide range of stakeholders and experts will assess the current challenges and opportunities brought about by artificial intelligence in the world of work. The forum will take place on 16 and 17 November in Brussels.

Rapid technological transformation and new digital technologies bring forth new work opportunities. They create new jobs for people, widen access to education, boost productivity, and improve our efficiency. Yet, these advancements also underscore growing inequality and a lack of transparency across the world.  How do we ensure fairness, inclusivity and transparency as we navigate this new world of work?

The theme of this year’s Forum is the impact of artificial intelligence on the world of work.

Rapid technological transformation and new digital technologies bring forth new work opportunities. They create new jobs for people, widen access to education, boost productivity, and improve our efficiency. Yet, these advancements also underscore growing inequality and a lack of transparency across the world. How do we ensure fairness, inclusivity and transparency as we navigate the new world of work?

EU and national policy-makers, Ministers, representatives from the EU institutions and businesses, social partners, civil society, and academics are invited to assess the current challenges and opportunities brought about by artificial intelligence in the world of work.

Please find the full program and the details to register hereYou can participate in person or online. 

This event sheds light on many aspects of AI in the world of work. The sessions on the role of data and AI at the workplace and the skills-related challenges could be of interest to the ERRIN members in the European Year of Skills, in view of the preparation of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda "Future4Work" under action "12. Accelerate the green/digital transition of Europe’s key industrial ecosystems "of the ERA Policy Agenda, followed up by the SEFS Working leaders.   


Coventry University

Coventry University’s Data Sciences - virtual open house and research vacancies

Coventry University’s Research Centre for Computational Science and Mathematical Modelling (CSM) is actively looking for talented and passionate individuals to join their research team and contribute to cutting-edge projects that align with our centre’s research vision.

Details on current job opportunities can be found at the following link (additional positions at different seniority levels may be available for suitable candidates).

The deadline for applications is 22nd October 2023. 

The posts will support three application areas of strategic importance, in  health, energy and security. These Assistant and Associate Professor roles are designed to promote interdisciplinary research in collaboration with other research centres at Coventry University. Candidates should be excellent computer scientists whose research expertise will strengthen CSM, and with relevant skills that would benefit one of the application areas.

As part of our recruitment campaign, the Centre Directors, Dr Matthew England and Prof. James Brusey, are hosting a virtual open house event on Thursday 12 October 2023, 11:30 – 12:00 (UK time), to provide individuals with an opportunity to explore our wide-ranging research and meet our vibrant research community.

Location: Zoom Webinar:  https://coventry-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/82097346171?pwd=RUtBcmhLamhZUUo4MzkwM3ZGK1hZdz09   

Passcode: ?+407375 

We look forward to welcoming you to our virtual open house event on 12 October – no registration is needed.

Interested applicants can also contact our Operations Team at Research.DSET@coventry.ac.uk, or the academic named on the relevant job opportunity, for an informal discussion.

Annual Member Survey

Shape ERRIN's agenda 2024 - Annual Member Survey

In view of the annual strategy workshops that we will organise with all the Working Group (WG) and Task Force (TF) leaders in the second half of November, all members are invited to provide input on priorities, topics, and activities that should be addressed in 2024. This survey will focus on collecting your views on your overall R&I priorities, proposed activities for our 13 Working Group and two Task Forces as well as suggestions on how we could better tailor our support services.   

We advise each member to submit one input form per member organisation. Please consult your regional stakeholders and submit one form on behalf of the entire regional ecosystem, offering your ideas and feedback on priorities, topics, and activities for ERRIN in 2024. Your replies will help the Working Group and Task Force leaders and the Secretariat to prepare the network’s activities and services in a way that brings the most value to ERRIN members. 

Please provide your input through the form here

The information collected will be shared with the WG and TF leaders and discussed during the strategy workshops. There will of course be additional opportunities to provide input throughout the year, and you are always welcome to contact WG  and TF leaders and the facilitators from the secretariat, but this is a key moment to influence the network’s strategic priorities for the year to come. 



ERRIN members showcase good practices at ICLEI B@S event on circular cultural tourism

What is ‘circular cultural tourism’ and how can it contribute to sustainable tourism development in European regions?

The last edition of ICLEI’s flagship Breakfast at Sustainability’s series took place on 5 October 2023 from 10:00-12:00 CEST , in collaboration with ERRIN and as part of the Be.CULTOUR project, a Horizon Europe project developing heritage innovation networks as drivers of Europeanisation towards a human-centered and circular economy.

On this occasion, ERRIN members had the opportunity to take the stand and showcase inspiring examples of good practices demonstrating how circular approaches to tourism, human-centred destinations, and heritage-led transformations can contribute to building a sustainable future for all.

Among the speakers, ERRIN members from Joy of Culture (Cyprus), Comune di Genova, Liguria region and HAMI, Visit Häme (Finland) presented their challenges, achievements and lessons learned from a rural, municipal and regional perspective.

In particular, Takala Minna, Senior Advisor at the Regional Council of Häme (Finland) introduced the creative approach and innovative actions combining nature, culture, well-being and sports with digital smart services to offer new opportunities, especially for SMEs in the region. She focused in particular on an insteresting case study from the HAME region: Western Lakeland - promoting and coaching local entrepreneurs of the sustainable tourism sector and supporting local SME's transfer towards more sustainable activities.

During the event, ERRIN member Pays de la Loire was also mentioned by Kirsti Ala-Mutka, Policy Officer, DG GROW, as region putting forward the ambitious Tourism Transition Pathway pledge of becoming the top French destination for cycle tourism by 2030,  with 100% of their destinations becoming accessible by green means of transport.

This online event managed to bring together key representatives of EU institutions, cultural experts, regional officers, and tourism stakeholders to discuss the unexplored potential of cultural heritage as a driver of circular tourism, explore innovative approaches around Europe and analysed the sector's common challenges and identify potential solutions that can be shared at EU level.

The recording of the event will be soon available on the Be.CULTOUR project youtube channel.

Co-creating clean coasts - Breakfast seminar

EWCR Side event: Co-creating clean coasts - Breakfast seminar

The Oslo Region European Office and West Norway Office are facilitating a EWRC side event with NTNU Campus Ålesund and their member municipalities Bærum and Ålesund.on Co-creating clean coasts. The event will take place on 10 October from 09:00-11:00, with a light breakfast served from 08:00.

Many municipalities and regions are facing marine pollution. How can we cooperate across sectors to find future solutions? How do we create a cleaner coast and reduce plastic pollution? Can research help us by creating the tools we need to work more efficiently?
These questions are among those you might find answers to in our breakfast seminar Co-creating clean coasts. The event is part of the side events of the European Week of Regions and Cities. In the Norwegian funded DatSam project, a marine litter management toolbox (PlastOPol) has been further developed and deployed to support stakeholder ecosystems in achieving clean coasts. In this session, we present new visualisation technologies and workflows designed to address marine pollution in data-driven, co-creative processes and share experiences from tool deployment in a major cleanup event in Norway. After the project presentation, participants are invited to experiment with various visualisation tools.


       08.30-09.00 Registration and light breakfast

       Keynote speech: Massimo Busuoli, Head of NTNU Brussels office (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

       DatSam project: Marine pollution - A municipal challenge

       Stakeholder engagement: Co-creation in innovation ecosystems

       The PlastOPol marine litter management toolbox

       Questions and discussion

       Interactive tool session

The Oslo Region European Office and West Norway Office are delighted to facilitate this event together with NTNU Campus Ålesund and our member municipalities Bærum and Ålesund.

Please register here.

We wish you a warm welcome to our breakfast seminar, and hope to see you on October 10 at Norway House!